Massage is traditionally applied to bare skin, lubricated with oil, cream, or lotion. This doesn’t mean that the client’s modesty is ever compromised. You will be properly draped during the entire session with a large sheet and/or towels, carefully undraping only one area of the body at a time as the need arises. While many clients have no qualms about removing all of their clothing, some prefer to leave on their undergarments, or even some of their outer clothing. Some massage techniques are impossible to apply through clothing; but we can work around this and treat the areas that you feel comfortable with.
Frequently asked questions about
In the course of a massage, the therapist will probably find areas of tenderness or pain. The level of pain will depend entirely on the therapist’s techniques. Receiving massage strokes in tender areas often creates a very satisfying sensation of “good pain.” If, however, a client has to hold their breath, furrow their brow, or tense their body to endure the pain, they need to ask the therapist to decrease the pressure or try a different technique. Severe pain triggers the release of stress hormones into the bloodstream, which is hardly the goal of massage therapy. Some massage techniques involve deep pressure that can be very painful, yet they have long-term benefits that may outweigh the short-term discomfort. A professional therapist will always explain the benefits of painful procedures and allow the client to accept or decline such procedures.
Make yourself comfortable. The practitioner will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session (such as lifting your arm). Many people just close their eyes and completely relax. Others like to talk during their session. Feel free to ask the practitioner questions about massage in general or about the particular technique you are receiving.
Environment is important to the massage experience. Your massage session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. The desired experience is to be relaxing, so having low-level lighting, soft music, and a pleasing aroma all add to that effect.